Spring Forward!

Monday Mar 05th, 2018


Get ready to “spring” your clocks forward and lose an hour of sleep this weekend.

Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 11 at 2 a.m.

Thankfully, most phones and smart devices automatically adjust to time changes. But if you have a manual alarm clock, don’t forget to move the time ahead one hour before going to bed Saturday, or you could oversleep and be late the next day.

While we lose an hour of sleep, there’s still good news: The start of daylight saving time means Spring is just around the corner. We’ll start seeing longer days and more sunlight after the change.


Push 2 Buttons


Remember to test all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms and change batteries. Get your kids involved and have them "push the button" to test the smoke alarms and CO alarms in your home to practice fire safety. After which they can enter the number of alarms they have tested into the TVOKids interactive smoke alarm at www.tvokids.com. The number will be added into TVO Kids “Push the Button!” counter, and children can print off their own “Push 2 Buttons” certificate.


Ontario law requires properly functioning smoke alarms on every storey of a home and outside sleeping areas.


Happy “Spring Forward” Weekend!

Sources: https://globalnews.ca/news/3841490/changing-your-clocks-great-time-check-smoke-alarms-carbon-monoxide-detectors-london-fire/



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